Saturday, February 13, 2010

just... black

I love iced coffee. The Australians love iced coffee and it is everywhere - vending machines, gas stations; even in 2-litre jugs in the grocery store fridge case. Ironically, it is milky, thin, sweet, dull, flat lousy!
From a cafe, iced coffee automatically comes with cream and sugar and a dollop of ice cream on top. Well, sometimes a girl wants/needs a straight-up, bitter, shot in the arm,(non-alcoholic) icy cold beverage!
This morning, I asked at said cafe:
"Can you make black iced coffee?"
Slightly stunned girl to older woman making coffee:"Can we make black iced coffee?"
Girl to me:"Ok, it'll just be a few minutes. You still want the cream, sugar and ice cream in it, right? Cuz it's all mixed up in jugs."
Me, patronizingly but friendly: "Then it wouldn't be black, would it?"
Girl and older woman have muffled conversation.
Woman:"You want what?"
Me:"Just a black iced coffee."
Woman:"You want it made with water?"
Me (knowing this is looking less than hopeful) "Just like a long black, but over ice."
Woman: "I can make a long black, but it won't be cold. We don't have ice."
Me, still smiling and nodding, thanking and walking away.

Now when she said, "Sure." What would I have gotten?

Next up - Frog Hunt Night


  1. Am I going to be able to get straight up black tea when I come visit (:

  2. Did I tell you kdlang's story about getting a blt in Graceland, but substituting in cucumber for the b since she's a vegetarian? The waitress dubiously said "...ok..." then they brought it out - slimy cucumber strips they had fried on the grill :)

    PS my dad used to collect up the old coffee and put it in ice cube trays in the freezer, so when he made ice coffee he'd use that instead of ice - doesn't water it down as it melts! some kind of genius. Now, the Japanese also love iced coffee, but I have to give them credit for having this really cool sugar-syrup that dissolves completely even when mixed with an ice cold beverage. Probably toxic, but oh-so-tasty. Miss you!

  3. This is a British colony...or, subset...or, spin-off or something. You can get good tea anywhere. Just not iced.

  4. Oh my ... oh so typical for The Alice! Yrs ago, my mum asked for a cafe glace in Spain, she was certain they had coffee flavored ice cream ... they also said yes yes we got that. When they served it, it came in a mug without a spoon!??? Ended up being freshly brewed coffee, black with lots of ice cubes!!! Hey, maybe you can go back and ask for a "cafe glace" in Alice, you might just get what you were looking for! SMILE!!!!!
