Monday, July 5, 2010

to an orange, briefly

Our yard came with an orange tree.
When we got here in late August, it was in bloom. I knew it was a citrus, but had no idea what kind.
It is a beautiful, generous, laden, succulent, bursting with juciness, navel orange tree. Thank you to whoever, about 20 years ago, planted this tree.
Since early June (late fall), we have been walking up to this tree whenever we feel like it and plucking a ripe orange from her branches. Just like that. In our yard.
If you have time, please write a haiku to this tree in the comments. I need to get on with the blogging.


  1. Did you know then about these?
    Startling oranges
    Just like that: twenty years on.

  2. Autumn oranges
    Now that we know which citrus
    Follow summer heat

  3. Beautiful ladies.
    Fourteen "followers," and yet
    only two haikus.

  4. By Toni:

    the lord has blessed me
    with a full laden orange tree
    i would share with thee

    Toni rocks.
