Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sydney - Part Dieux

But, I wanted these top pictures last! Aeh!

Circular Quay ("kay"or "kee"), part of the harbour, was rife with street performers - a didgeridoo player, sleight-of-hand guy, people in lit-up costumes for the light festival.

This unicycle/juggler guy was different. His show lasted about 15 minutes, after which, like most street performers, he asked the crowd for contributions. However, he continued, "if all you have is those one and two-dollar coins, keep them. You know how much a good show costs and I feel mine is worth ten dollars. If you agree, great. If not, or all you have is less, just give me a handshake and a thank you. I feel that's appropriate." He was American.

Sydney struck me as wet and clean and safe.
Now, in Alice Springs, one learns quickly, say by reading the paper once, not to go out at night. Ever. There are lots of drunk people who want what you have. During the day, they are either sleeping or just gone somewhere.
In Sydney, walk along the water or downtown at night and it was all fine and dandy. Why?
Of course, we were there a terribly short time. I'm sure Sydney has her secrets. Like, there are sharks in the harbour.

Walking. I remember lots of walking.

The Harbourview has such a nice view because it's at the wee tippy-top of a hill.

Everything else is downhill- like
San Francisco-style downhill. We could walk down to the ferry, the Olympic swimming pool (we swam where Michael Phelps won his gold, tee-he) and Luna Park! Luna Park was built in the 50's and one man designed all the decor. How about that clown mouth?! I loved the photo when I saw what was going on behind Tom. Go ahead, enlarge it.
We did let Thomas drag us through the park one rainy evening. The man running the kiddie rides gave him a freebie since they were closing early. He was American, too.
All-told we were only in Sydney for 4 days, one was recovery from a way-too-early flight. I could do with more Sydney.

We also somehow crammed in the zoo. The zoo will be the next entry.
Teaser- what costs 175 dollars for a family of three and sounds like, "Can we go home yet?" for 5 hours? Hmmm...


  1. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this newsy, picture-filled Sydney update!!!!!!

  2. What are those guys, Jets or Sharks? Boy, boy, crazy boy ... stay cool boy.
