Sunday, October 31, 2010

Some Things are Hard to Explain

I was in the art supply shop, looking. A Young Woman came in for her shift and the Manager and she were talking.
YW: "I don't read the newspaper or watch TV. I don't even know anything that's going on."
M:"Well, we have our first Australian saint! Mary MacKillop."
YW: "What's that? ... a princess?"
M: "No, she was a woman in about the late 1800's who started working with the poor and started her own convent and fought the bishop and everything." (the Aussies loves their spunky women)
YW: "Wow. So, what's she doing now?"
M: "She's dead."
YW: "Well, what good is a dead saint?!?"

I laughed. Too long. Where do you start with this?

We were at an Aussie friend's birthday party. Another guest said she didn't understand Halloween. Try suddenly being the cultural ambassador for America and explaining Halloween to someone who has no idea. These are the kinds of things we should be warned about in advance. Sure, you can go into All Saints Day and All Hallows Eve, but why is your kid dressed like a Transformer and collecting candy?

What's with the vegetables (remember, they eat a LOT of pumpkin here)?

We wrapped 98 Tootsie Pops like ghosts. Handed out about 15 - We're at the dark end of an "American" street.

The rest will go to the Year 1 classes and to Tom's Movember campaign.

What's Movember?
Started in Australia, it is a month to grow a mustache ("Mo") and raise money for men's health by people sponsoring your Mo.
We'll be adding photos of Tom's Mo as the month progresses. He get's looking a little Freddie Mercury.

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